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Data Im- and Export
How to import ODBC data sources?
How to export files?
If I try to import a Access 2000 database I get error 3343 'Unrecognized database format?
How to rename or delete projects?
Data Im- and Export
How to import ODBC data sources?
To import ODBC data sources as main files or rate files go to TABELS|MAIN TABLE|ADD|ODBC or TABELS|RATE TABLE|ADD|ODBC. The ODBC driver manager will appear. Select the data source name. Afterwards the ODBC server starts and a menu with the available datasets appears. Select one and press OK. The dataset will be imported into your PAMCOMP file. Note: Before you can import dataset via ODBC you must have installed the appropriate ODBC driver for the data sources. Please look at the documentation accompanied with your software how to install and enable the ODBC driver.
How to export files?
You can only export results as well as person years table and the death distribution. Click at the table you would like to export then go to the menu TABLES|SAVE AS. A dialog will appear. Choose file type and file name. Then press the SAVE button.
If I try to import a Access 2000 database I get error 3343 'Unrecognized database format?
It is not possible to import Access 2000 (9.0) databases. Please convert them into Access 97 (8.0) database format before you import them.

How to rename or delete projects?
Click with the right mouse button on the project you would like to rename or delete. A menu will apear where you can choose RENAME or DELETE. Click on the menu entry and follow the instructions.

Contact Dirk Taeger with comments or questions regarding this site. Copyright © 1999-2002 Institute of Epidemiology and Social Medicine. University of Muenster. Phone +49 (0251) 83-56296